Welcome to The Future of Offshore Services
Welcome to The Future of Offshore Services a report commissioned by Saffery Champness Registered Fiduciaries which presents the views and ideas from a group of leading private client advisors and our senior staff on the offshore private client industry. In the challenging times in which we now live we have tried to provide some context to the global situation and also deliver some positive information about an industry that has been under intense media scrutiny.
This report was originally commissioned as a part of a business strategy exercise and the information gathered proved sufficiently interesting and pertinent that the decision was taken to publish it along with selected commentary.
As we move into the new normal and an era of global co-operation, regulation and reporting we believe there is still a role for diligent professional administration of family structures which are compliant with all relevant international laws and regulations.
We do not profess that this report is the last word on the future of the offshore industry we hope it will be the catalyst for further conversations between practitioners, advisors, clients, families and wider industry stakeholders.
We hope that you will find the Report as useful and thought provoking as we do and we encourage you to contact us to share your ideas at [email protected]
We hope to expand the reach and scope of this report in subsequent editions and we look forward with optimism to the Future of Offshore Services.